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3DS MAX约束控制器参数绑定动画教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Animating in 3ds Max Constr
2021-01-25 16:21:58   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

Lynda - Animating in 3ds Max Constraints Controllers and Wire Parameters

3DS MAX约束控制器参数绑定动画教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Animating in 3ds Max Constraints Controllers and Wire Parameters

介绍3DS MAX中约束控制器,参数关联等方面知识,以齿轮动画实例讲解各种参数的相互作用

Autodesk 3ds Max boasts a robust set of animation tools that can be used to bring characters, machinery, and even environments to life. In this course, get acquainted with some of the fundamental tools that can be used to both create and control animations. To make this course as practical as possible, instructor Brian Bradley introduces each tool (or set of tools) in a practical exercise that helps you see the tool in action. He covers working with controllers, creating reactions, using motion capture, working with constraints and wire parameters, and more.





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