3DMax Vray渲染全面基础教程 Lynda – V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training(2
2019-08-07 08:27:45 来源:网络 留言:0 点击:内容简介
3DS Max Vray渲染全面基础教程 Lynda – V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training(2016.2更新版)
全面讲解Vray 3.0渲染器在3ds max中的使用方法,例如采样,皮肤材质,毛发着色器,3D渲染等,基本的材质制作,图片采样,色彩贴图,灯光,摄像机精神,运动模糊,焦散等
Master features of the V-Ray 3. 0 rendering engine and learn how to extend the range of 3ds Max with V-Ray’s state-of-the-art tools, such as progressive sampling, skin and hair shaders, and stereoscopic 3D rendering. This course covers critical V-Ray concepts such as basic material creation, image sampling, color mapping, subdivs, and lighting, as well as creating in-camera effects such as depth of field, motion blur, and caustics. Author and 3D expert Brian Bradley will help you add amazing and lifelike materials and effects to your 3D models with this powerful plugin.


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