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3DS MAX拓扑基础教程 Topology Fundamentals in 3ds Max
2021-01-25 16:07:48   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

Pluralsight - Topology Fundamentals in 3ds Max

3DS MAX拓扑基础教程 Topology Fundamentals in 3ds Max


In this course, Topology Fundamentals in 3ds Max, you’ll look at what topology is, how it is used, and the specific issues and solutions surrounding it. First, you will focus on analyzing varying types of topology and why you might use them. Then, you will explore how different modeling techniques impact topology and how to deal with problems such as kites and poles. Finally, you will learn about how to use topology for animation purposes. When you’re finished with this course, you will have a deeper understanding of how great 3d modelers work with topology, as well as best practices to use in your own modeling work.





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