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3DS MAX 2018渲染基础教程 3ds Max Rendering Fundamentals
2021-01-25 16:05:04   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

Pluralsight - 3ds Max Rendering Fundamentals


3DS MAX 2018渲染基础教程 3ds Max Rendering Fundamentals

首先介绍3DS MAX 2018自带的线框渲染器的基本使用方法,然后介绍批量渲染,窗口阴影模式,快速添加材质和灯光,阿诺德渲染器的使用步骤等

First, you will learn how to quickly setup your Scanline renderer and explore its setup dialogue box for rendering out single image and animation sequences. Next, you will learn how you can use batch rendering, viewport shading modes, and how to quickly setup materials and lighting using active shade mode. You will then learn about the newly added Arnold Renderer in 3ds Max 2018. Since you will be taken step-by-step from the default scanline renderer to the Arnold renderer, you will be able to see how powerful the physical camera, physical material, and lighting is in Arnold. By the end of this course, you will have learned strong workflow practices so you can always be efficient in production and choosing the right rendering setup for your workflow as an emerging artist.





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