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3DS MAX阿诺德渲染器基础教程 Fundamentals of Arnold for 3ds Max
2021-01-25 16:04:34   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

Pluralsight Fundamentals of Arnold for 3ds Max

3DS MAX阿诺德渲染器基础教程 Fundamentals of Arnold for 3ds Max


In this course, Fundamentals of Arnold for 3ds Max, you’ll learn all the fundamental concepts behind rendering with Arnold, making it possible for you to achieve reliable, good looking, realistic results rather quickly. First, you’ll explore how to light scenes with Arnold. Next, you’ll discover how to create realistic materials and how to render basic effects. Finally, you’ll get a better understanding of Arnold’s render settings. By the end of this course, you’ll know all the basic concepts within Arnold, and will be able to begin creating complex realistic scenes on your own.





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