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3DMAX真实场景Vray渲染教程 Creating a Photorealistic Scene with 3ds Max and V-R
2020-05-28 16:50:18   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:
Pluralsight - Creating a Photorealistic Scene with 3ds Max and V-Ray

3DS MAX真实场景Vray渲染教程 Creating a Photorealistic Scene with 3ds Max and V-Ray

在3ds Max中用Vray渲染器渲染照片级别真是场景教程,例如给场景添加灰尘粒子等细节,多通道渲染, 最后在Photoshop CC中后期合成等

Quickly developing scenes that look ultra-realistic can be difficult if you don’t have the proper tools to do it well. In this course, Creating a Photorealistic Scene with 3DS Max and V-Ray, you will learn how to create a gorgeous, photorealistic render with ease and efficiency. First, you’ll learn how to block out the concept. Second, you’ll use tools in 3ds Max to add large details. Third, you’ll discover how to add dirt and debris and finally, render multiple passes. When you’re finished with this 3ds Max course, you’ll not only be able to create gorgeous renders, but also be able to quickly use these tools to do the same with any scene you need.





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