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3DMAX室内建模教程 Interior Modeling Techniques in 3ds Max
2020-05-28 16:49:27   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:
Pluralsight - Interior Modeling Techniques in 3ds Max

3DS MAX室内建模教程 Interior Modeling Techniques in 3ds Max

讲解 3ds Max 2014或者高版本室内建模教程,基础的多边形建模方法,样条线的处理,不同工具配合使用等

Modeling complex objects and creating compelling scenes can sometimes be a very difficult task. In this course, you will be able to follow the whole creation process of a complete modern living room interior. In this course, Interior Modeling Techniques in 3ds Max, you will learn how to create geometry using lines and how to manage complex assets. You will understand the proper use of different tools to achieve good results quickly, and also what are the best practices when creating a scene that is both realistic and render-ready. Once you are finished with this 3ds Max course, you’ll not only have a complete scene done but also will be able to apply the tools and practices seen here in your own projects.





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