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3DMAX室内渲染教程 Interior Rendering Techniques with mental ray and 3ds Max
2020-05-28 16:48:00   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:
3DS MAX室内渲染教程 Interior Rendering Techniques with mental ray and 3ds Max

用3DS MAX的Mental Ray渲染器来渲染室内场景模型,讲解基本的灯光设置,场景优化,噪点去除优化等,最后在PS进行后期调色合成处理

The workflow for rendering an interior scene can be quite challenging and overwhelming, especially when the most common problems start to appear. In this course, Interior Rendering Techniques with mental ray and 3ds Max, you’ll not only learn the basics to understanding rendering interiors in mental ray, but you’ll also figure out the best approaches and solving common render problems. First, you’ll learn how to solve light distribution issues. Next, you’ll learn how to fix different noise types. Finally, you’ll learn all about post-production basics. By the end of this course, you’ll have a better understanding of how to render your own interior scenes and solve many of the problems your encounter on your own.





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