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游戏模块结构建模3D教程 Creating Game-ready Modular Structures in 3ds Max
2020-05-28 16:46:44   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:
游戏模块结构建模3D教程 Creating Game-ready Modular Structures in 3ds Max

用到ZBrush, Unreal Engine 4, 3ds Max, xNormal等软件来制作3D游戏中常见的机械模型组合

Breaking down a modular structure into a game ready asset can be tricky if you want to maintain the ability to reuse the mesh frequently. Reusing a mesh is often not discussed in detail, but it is very technically challenging the first time. In this course, Creating Game-ready Modular Structures in 3ds Max, you’ll look at how to get the best reuse from your model and make as many different shapes as possible to fit in the game. First, you’ll learn how to look at the tools for optimizing a low-poly model. Next, you’ll learn how to create a mesh that is easily repurposed. Then, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily unwrap a complex asset. Finally, you’ll learn how to turn your original structure into a new and unique design. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to get a great modular structure into your next game.





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