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复古游戏文字标题动画AE教程 Udemy – Make an amazing retro title in After Effects
2019-10-08 11:27:18   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

复古游戏文字标题动画AE教程 Udemy – Make an amazing retro title in After Effects


Be able to make your game, movie or trailer titles whole other level. In this course you will learn how. I have packed some of the best tips that I use in my projects, to really improve a title text with a retro theme that can easily be adapted in other themes.

In this step by step course I will go through how I made the lightning effect with a frame by frame animation in Illustrator. How I did the text from scratch and finish up everything in After Effects to put everything togather and some thoughts on how I think around my design choices.





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