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首页 > After Effects > AE教程下载 > 三维岩浆熔岩片头文字设计AE教程 Lynda – After Effects Motion Graphics Creating F
三维岩浆熔岩片头文字设计AE教程 Lynda – After Effects Motion Graphics Creating F
2019-10-08 10:35:48   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

三维岩浆熔岩片头文字设计AE教程 Lynda – After Effects Motion Graphics Creating Fire and Brimstone Type Animation

在AE中用FreeForm Pro插件来制作三维火山岩浆效果,添加火星粒子和三维文字效果,合成制作不错的三维文字片头教程

After Effects is a very versatile tool. On one hand, it’s a powerful compositing and post-production program. On the other hand, it is capable of producing some very impressive 3D visuals, with the help of plugins like FreeForm Pro. In this course, you’ll learn to take advantage of these powerful features. The first half of this course uses AE as if it were true 3D software, producing a unique 3D landscape—a volcano spouting fire and brimstone—rendered into several image sequence passes. In the second half, author Ran Ben Avraham shows how to use AE’s powerful compositing abilities to combine the render passes, add environment particles, build 3D text, and use a few post-production tricks to produce this “volcanic” scene. Like all of our project-based learning experiences, each step of the process is rich with object lessons that are applicable to scenarios the motion design artist will face in real-world productions.





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