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首页 > Maya > maya教程下载 > Maya洪水流体模拟教程 Flooding a City with Bifrost in Maya
Maya洪水流体模拟教程 Flooding a City with Bifrost in Maya
2019-09-22 09:12:04   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

Maya洪水流体模拟教程 Flooding a City with Bifrost in Maya

在Maya中利用Bifrost模拟真实洪水冲向建筑楼房的教程,Maya 2105中有Bifrost,可以模拟流体特别是水流效果

In this Maya tutorial we’ll go over the process of creating realistic water effects to flood a city using Bifrost.Water has always been a difficult effect to reproduce. Maya 2015 introduces Bifrost, a liquid simulation engine capable of handling water simulation of any size. Throughout these lessons we’ll use Bifrost to create a giant wave that floods a city street.By the end of this Maya training, you’ll understand how to add water and achieve your desired results with any scene.





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