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Maya Vray渲染设置教程 Utilizing Advanced Shading Techniques Using V-Ray in Maya
2019-09-22 09:13:40   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

Maya Vray渲染设置教程 Utilizing Advanced Shading Techniques Using V-Ray in Maya

讲解Maya Vray效果器的工作原理,比如BRDFs, reflectance curves,利用不同的层来制作真实的材质

In this series of V-Ray and Maya tutorial, we’ll examine step by step how V-Ray shaders work, and how we can modify, and stack them to create realistic materials.We’ll cover BRDFs, reflectance curves, and the layering of different components to create complex materials. We’ll also look at creating many different types of shaders, such as metallic paint, ice cubes, and various insect textures for our snail asset. You’ll gain a good overall understanding of some of the more expert features of the V-Ray shading tools.By the end of this V-Ray and Maya training you’ll have a deeper understanding of advanced shading techniques using V-Ray in Maya.





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