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3D MAX Particle flow红细胞流动效果 CGCookie–Create Blood Vessels and Blood
2019-08-05 09:39:29   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

3D MAX Particle flow红细胞流动效果 CGCookie – Create Blood Vessels and Blood

在3D MAX中通过Particle flow来模拟血管血液红细胞流动效果,从建模到最后的动画,通过 Mental ray渲染输出整个流程。

In Blood cells project we’ll see how to simulate blood cells animation step by step starting from organic modeling and generatic final rendered animation with Mental ray. We’ll use basic spline and loft features to create a vein/organic mesh and then we’ll use same extrusion spline to control particle flowing. Particle flow is not compatible with path follow space warp so we’ll see how to solve this issue using the Speed by icon operator. Shading will be done using Arch&Design materials, and then we’ll tweak lighting and environment to obtain final look.

Using 3ds Max PFlow,modeling and animation techniques in Mental Ray to achieve the final result.





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