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PS制作抽象海报封面 Animating Concept Art in After Effects and Photoshop
2019-09-30 15:31:36   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

AE PS制作抽象海报封面 Animating Concept Art in After Effects and Photoshop


In this series of After Effects and Photoshop tutorials we’ll learn how to create a visually stunning animation using concept art.

We’ll look at the different techniques you can use for your animation in After Effects to bring your painting to life. Along the way we’ll also be looking at Trapcode Particular and animation basics to create our moving elements such as birds and leaves.

By the end of this After Effects and Photoshop tutorial you’ll have learned how to create professional animated scenes seen in popular video games such as League of Legends and Hearthstone.





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