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C4D Vray灯光预设 Renderking – Vray Lighting Essentials
2019-09-19 16:02:06   来源:网络    留言:0 点击:

C4D Vray灯光预设 Renderking – Vray Lighting Essentials

C4D Vray灯光预设 Renderking – Vray Lighting Essentials办好大量的灯光/摄影棚预设,场景如:科幻,汽车步光,motion graphics,白色摄影棚等,很难得的Vray预设。

Renderking – Vray Lighting Essentials comes with a bunch of lighting rig/studios that are based on themes like sci-fi, car lighting, motion graphics, white studio, hard light and reflection, as well as a couple pre-made logo reveal scenes.

Here’s a tip, when you go to the site, it shows you an image of every studio set up. Click on that image and you will go to a full page showing you multiple images of that studio set up and also a video tutorial on it. It’s easy to miss the further details which show you exactly what comes with the pack.







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